Location - ZENMUSE L2
Rental of the DJI Zenmuse L2 sensor.
Long term rental available on request.
- Matrix 350 RTK
- Matrix 300 RTK
To use the L2 with the M300 RTK, it is imperative to use the DJI RC Plus, which must be purchased separately, and to perform a firmware update. It is important to note that the L2 is not compatible with the M300 RTK's standard remote control, the Smart Controller Enterprise.
30% increase in detection range. The L2 can detect from 250 meters with 10% reflectivity and 100 klx, and up to 450 meters with 50% reflectivity and 0 klx. Typical operational altitude now extends to 120 meters, significantly improving operational safety and efficiency. Smaller laser spots, denser point clouds. With a reduced spot size of 4x12cm at 100m, only a fifth of that of L1, L2 not only detects smaller objects with greater detail, but can also penetrate denser vegetation, generating more accurate digital elevation models (DEMs). Support for 5 returns. In areas with heavy vegetation, L2 can capture more ground points under the foliage. Effective point cloud rate: 240,000 pts/s. In single or multiple return mode, the L2 can achieve a maximum point cloud emission rate of 240,000 points per second, allowing more point cloud data to be acquired in a given period of time. Two scanning modes. The L2 supports two scanning modes, providing users flexibility depending on their task requirements. In repetitive scanning mode, the L2's LiDAR can produce more uniform and accurate point clouds while meeting high-precision mapping requirements. In non-repetitive scanning mode, it provides deeper penetration to obtain more structural information, making it suitable for power line inspection, forestry surveying and other scenarios. Improved precision. The high-precision self-developed IMU system, combined with the drone's RTK positioning system for data fusion in post-processing, allows the L2 to access high-precision absolute position, velocity and attitude information. precision. Additionally, the increased environmental adaptability of the IMU system improves the operational reliability and accuracy of the L2. Yaw accuracy [6] Real time: 0.2°, post-processing: 0.05° Pitch and roll accuracy [6] Real time: 0.05°, post-processing: 0.025°. No warming up of the IMU. The performance of the IMU system has been significantly improved and it is ready for use as soon as it is powered on. Additionally, the accompanying drone is ready to begin its tasks as soon as the RTK is in FIX state, helping to optimize the field experience. CMOS 4/3, mechanical shutter. Pixel size has been enlarged to 3.3 μm, and effective pixels now reach 20 MP, resulting in a significant improvement in overall imaging, as well as more enriched true-color point cloud details . The minimum interval between photos has been reduced to 0.7 seconds. The mapping camera can be used up to 200,000 times, further reducing operating costs. When point cloud collection is not needed, the RGB camera can still take photos and videos, or collect images for visible light mapping.

Nom du Produit: Zenmuse L2
Dimensions: 155×128×176 mm (L×l×H)
Poids: 905±5 g Puissance: 28 W (typique) 58 W (max.)
Indice de Protection: IP54
Aéronefs Supportés:
- Matrice 300 RTK (nécessite DJI RC Plus)
- Matrice 350 RTK
Température de Stockage:
-20° à 60° C (-4° à 140° F)
Performance du Système Portée de Détection:
- 450m @50% de réflectivité, 0 klx
- 250m @10% de réflectivité, 100 klx
- Données typiques. Mesurées sur un sujet plat avec une taille plus grande que le diamètre du faisceau laser, un angle d'incidence perpendiculaire et une visibilité atmosphérique de 23 km. Dans les environnements peu éclairés, les faisceaux laser peuvent atteindre la portée de détection optimale. Si un faisceau laser touche plus d'un sujet, la puissance totale de transmission laser est répartie et la portée réalisable est réduite. La portée maximale de détection est de 500 m.
Taux de Nuage de Points:
- Retour unique : max. 240 000 pts/s
- Retours multiples : max. 1 200 000 pts/s
Précision du Système:
- Horizontale: 5 cm @ 150 m
- Verticale: 4 cm @ 150 m
- Mesurée dans les conditions suivantes dans un environnement de laboratoire DJI : Zenmuse L2 monté sur un Matrice 350 RTK et mis sous tension. Utilisation de l'itinéraire de vol de la zone pilote 2 de DJI pour planifier l'itinéraire de vol (avec l'IMU de calibrage activé). Utilisation du balayage répétitif avec le RTK en mode FIX. L'altitude relative a été réglée à 150 m, la vitesse de vol à 15 m/s, l'angle d'inclinaison de la nacelle à -90°, et chaque segment droit de l'itinéraire de vol était inférieur à 1500 m. Le terrain contenait des objets avec des caractéristiques angulaires évidentes, et des points de contrôle de terrain dur exposés conformes au modèle de réflexion diffuse ont été utilisés. DJI Terra a été utilisé pour le post-traitement avec l'optimisation de la précision du nuage de points activée. Dans les mêmes conditions sans l'optimisation de la précision du nuage de points activée, la précision verticale est de 4 cm et la précision horizontale est de 8 cm.
Codage des Couleurs du Nuage de Points en Temps Réel:
Réflectivité, Hauteur, Distance, RVB
LiDAR: Précision de Mesure de Distance (RMS 1σ):
2 cm @ 150 m
- Mesurée dans un environnement de 25° C (77° F) avec un sujet de 80% de réflectivité à une distance de 150 m. L'environnement réel peut différer de l'environnement de test. La valeur indiquée est à titre de référence uniquement.
Nombre Maximum de Retours Pris en Charge:
Modes de Balayage:
Modèle de balayage non répétitif, Modèle de balayage répétitif
Champ de Vision (FOV):
- Modèle de balayage répétitif : Horizontal 70°, Vertical 3°
- Modèle de balayage non répétitif : Horizontal 70°, Vertical 75°
Portée de Détection Minimale:
3 m
Divergence du Faisceau Laser:
- Horizontal 0.2 mrad, Vertical 0.6 mrad
- Mesurée en conditions de largeur totale à mi-hauteur (FWHM). 0.6 mrad signifie que pour chaque augmentation de distance de 100 m, le diamètre du faisceau laser s'élargit de 6 cm.
Longueur d'Onde du Laser:
905 nm
Taille du Point Laser:
- Horizontal 4 cm, vertical 12 cm @ 100 m (FWHM)
Fréquence d'Émission d'Impulsions Laser:
240 kHz
Sécurité Laser:
Classe 1 (IEC 60825-1:2014)
Limite d'Émission Accessible (AEL):
233.59 nJ
Ouverture de Référence:
Ouverture Effectif : 23.85 mm (équivalent circulaire)
Puissance d'Émission d'Impulsion Laser Maximale dans les 5 Nanosecondes: 46.718 W
Système de Navigation Inertielle Fréquence de Mise à Jour de l'IMU: 200 Hz Plage de l'Accéléromètre: ±6 g Plage du Mètre de Vitesse Angulaire: ±300 dps
Précision de Lacet (RMS 1σ):
- En temps réel : 0.2°
- Post-traitement : 0.05°
Précision de Tangage/Roulis (RMS 1σ):
- En temps réel : 0.05°
- Post-traitement : 0.025°
Précision de Positionnement Horizontal:
- RTK FIX : 1 cm + 1 ppm
Précision de Positionnement Vertical:
- RTK FIX : 1.5 cm + 1 ppm
Caméra de Cartographie RGB Capteur:
CMOS 4/3, Pixels Effectifs : 20 MP Objectif:
- Champ de Vision : 84°
- Équivalent de Format : 24 mm
- Ouverture : f/2.8-f/11
- Points de Mise au Point : 1 m à l'infini (avec autofocus)
Vitesse d'Obturation:
- Obturateur Mécanique : 2-1/2000 s
- Obturateur Électronique : 2-1/8000 s
Nombre de Déclenchements:
200 000
Taille des Photos:
5280×3956 (4:3)
Modes de Photographie:
- Prise de vue unique : 20 MP
- Temporisée : 20 MP JPEG
- Intervalle de Temps : 0.7/1/2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s RAW/JPEG + RAW
- Intervalle de Temps : 2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
Codec Vidéo et Résolution:
- H.264 4K : 3840×2160@30ips
- FHD : 1920×1080 @30ips
- Vidéo : 100-6400
- Photo : 100-6400
Débit Binaire Vidéo:
- 4K : 85 Mbps
- FHD : 30 Mbps
Système de Fichiers Supporté: exFAT
Format de Photo: JPEG/DNG (RAW)
Format Vidéo: MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264)
Gimbal Système de Stabilisation: 3 axes (inclinaison, roulis, panoramique) Plage de Vibration Angulaire: 0.01°
Montage: DJI SKYPORT détachable
Plage Mécanique:
- Inclinaison : -143° à +43°
- Panoramique : ±105° * Limite structurelle, non plage contrôlable.
Plage Contrôlable:
- Inclinaison : -120° à +30°
- Panoramique : ±90°
Mode de Fonctionnement:
Stockage de Données Stockage des Données Brutes: Photos/IMU/Nuage de points/GNSS/Fichiers de Calibration Stockage des Données de Nuage de Points: Stockage des données de modélisation en temps réel
Cartes microSD Prises en Charge:
- microSD : Vitesse d'écriture séquentielle de 50 Mo/s ou plus et classification UHS-I Speed Grade 3 ou supérieure ; Capacité maximale : 256 Go. Utilisez les cartes microSD recommandées.
Cartes microSD Recommandées:
- Lexar 1066x 64 Go U3 A2 V30 microSDXC
- Lexar 1066x 128 Go U3 A2 V30 microSDXC
- Kingston Canvas Go! Plus 128 Go U3 A2 V30 microSDXC
- Lexar 1066x 256 Go U3 A2 V30 microSDXC
Post-traitement Logiciels Supportés:
DJI Terra Format de Données: DJI Terra prend en charge l'exportation de modèles de nuage de points dans les formats suivants : PNTS/LAS/PLY/PCD/S3MB
- Sensor L2 x1
- Hard carrying case for sensor x1
What is the level of protection of the Zenmuse L2?
The Zenmuse L2 achieves an IP54 protection level according to IEC60529 under controlled laboratory conditions. To ensure the highest levels of protection: - Before installation, make sure the interface and ball joint surface are dry; - Before use, make sure the ball head is firmly installed on the drone and the SD card protective cap is clean, free of any foreign objects and closed; - Before opening the SD card protective cap, wipe the surface of the drone.
The level of protection decreases over time due to normal use and wear of the device. Which aircraft is the Zenmuse L2 compatible with? Which gimbal interface can it be mounted on?
The Zenmuse L2 is compatible with the Matrice 350 RTK and Matrice 300 RTK and only supports the DJI RC Plus remote control. Before using, please update the firmware of the device and remote control to the latest version. To ensure mapping accuracy, make sure the L2 is mounted on a single gimbal connector facing down with the cable connected to the right USB-C port (when facing the aircraft).
What is the field of view (FOV) of the Zenmuse L2 LiDAR?
Repeat scanning: Horizontal 70°, Vertical 3°. Non-repetitive scanning: Horizontal 70°, Vertical 75°.
What is the maximum detection range of the Zenmuse L2?
Detection range: 250 m at 10% reflectivity, 100 klx 450 m at 50% reflectivity, 0 klx Recommended operating altitude is 30 to 150 m.
How many returns does Zenmuse L2 support?
The Zenmuse L2 supports five types of returns: Single return (loudest echo), double return, triple return, quadruple return and penta return.
What is the point cloud rate of Zenmuse L2??
Single return: max. 240,000 pts/s Multiple returns: max. 1,200,000 pts/s.
How many scan modes does the Zenmuse L2 have? In what scenarios do they apply?
The Zenmuse L2 has two scanning modes: non-repeating scanning mode and repeating scanning mode In repetitive scanning mode, LiDAR can achieve more uniform and precise scanning, meeting the requirements of high-precision mapping. In non-repetitive scanning mode, it provides greater penetration and can collect more structural information, making it suitable for power line inspection, forestry surveying and other scenarios.
How accurate is the Zenmuse L2 IMU?
Yaw accuracy: Real time: 0.2°, post-processing: 0.05° Pitch and roll accuracy: Real-time: 0.05°, post-processing: 0.025°. Horizontal positioning accuracy: 1 cm + 1 ppm (RTK FIX) Vertical positioning accuracy: 1.5 cm+1 ppm (RTK FIX)
Yaw and pitch/roll accuracies were measured under the following conditions in a DJI laboratory environment: Zenmuse L2 mounted on a Matrice 350 RTK and powered on. Using DJI Pilot 2's Area Route to plan the flight route (with Calibrate IMU enabled). RTK in FIX status. The relative altitude was set to 150 m, the flight speed to 15 m/s, the gimbal pitch to -90°, and each straight segment of the flight route was less than 1500 m.
What is the L2 RGB camera used for?
When collecting point cloud data, the RGB camera can provide real-time color information for the data, and the photos taken can be used to reconstruct 2D RGB models. When there is no need to collect point cloud data, the RGB camera can take photos and videos, and collect images to reconstruct 2D or 3D RGB models.
How accurate is the Zenmuse L2 surveying and mapping?
Horizontal accuracy: 5 cm Vertical accuracy: 4 cm
Measured under the following conditions in a DJI laboratory environment: Zenmuse L2 mounted on a Matrice 350 RTK and powered on. Using DJI Pilot 2's Zone Route to plan the flight route (with Calibrate IMU enabled). Using a repetitive scan with the RTK in FIX state. The relative altitude was set to 150 m, the flight speed to 15 m/s, the gimbal pitch to -90°, and each straight segment of the flight route was less than 1500 m. The field contained objects with obvious angular features, and used control points of exposed hard ground that conformed to the diffuse reflection model. DJI Terra was used for post-processing with the Optimize Point Cloud Accuracy option. Under the same conditions, if the Optimize point cloud precision option is not activated, the vertical precision is 4 cm and the horizontal precision is 8 cm.
What is the CMOS size of the Zenmuse L2 RGB camera? And what is the size of its pixels?
The RGB camera uses 4/3 CMOS and the pixel size is 3.3 × 3.3 μm.
What are the improvements made to the Zenmuse L2 compared to the previous generation?
LiDAR performance has been improved to approximately 1/5 of the spot size of L1 when the object or area is 100m from the LiDAR. The penetrating ability of LiDAR has been significantly improved, as has its detection range and accuracy. The pixel size of the RGB camera has increased by 89% compared to L1's 2.4 × 2.4μm. IMU accuracy has been improved to 0.05° (real-time) and 0.025° (post-processing). LiDAR supports laser range finder (RNG).
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